This module provides a set of functions for pyotb.


Check if value is different than 0 everywhere along the band axis.

For only one image, this function checks that all bands of the image are True (i.e. !=0) and outputs a singleband boolean raster For several images, this function checks that all images are True (i.e. !=0) and outputs a boolean raster, with as many bands as the inputs


Name Type Description Default

inputs can be 1) a single image or 2) several images, either passed as separate arguments or inside a list



Type Description

AND intersection

Source code in pyotb/
def all(*inputs):  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    """Check if value is different than 0 everywhere along the band axis.

    For only one image, this function checks that all bands of the image are True (i.e. !=0) and outputs
    a singleband boolean raster
    For several images, this function checks that all images are True (i.e. !=0) and outputs
    a boolean raster, with as many bands as the inputs

        inputs: inputs can be 1) a single image or 2) several images, either passed as separate arguments
                or inside a list

        AND intersection

    # If necessary, flatten inputs
    if len(inputs) == 1 and isinstance(inputs[0], (list, tuple)):
        inputs = inputs[0]

    # Add support for generator inputs (to have the same behavior as built-in `all` function)
    if isinstance(inputs, tuple) and len(inputs) == 1 and inspect.isgenerator(inputs[0]):
        inputs = list(inputs[0])

    # Transforming potential filepaths to pyotb objects
    inputs = [Input(inp) if isinstance(inp, str) else inp for inp in inputs]

    # Checking that all bands of the single image are True
    if len(inputs) == 1:
        inp = inputs[0]
        if isinstance(inp, logicalOperation):
            res = inp[:, :, 0]
            res = (inp[:, :, 0] != 0)

        for band in range(1, inp.shape[-1]):
            if isinstance(inp, logicalOperation):
                res = res & inp[:, :, band]
                res = res & (inp[:, :, band] != 0)

    # Checking that all images are True
        if isinstance(inputs[0], logicalOperation):
            res = inputs[0]
            res = (inputs[0] != 0)
        for inp in inputs[1:]:
            if isinstance(inp, logicalOperation):
                res = res & inp
                res = res & (inp != 0)

    return res


Check if value is different than 0 anywhere along the band axis.

For only one image, this function checks that at least one band of the image is True (i.e. !=0) and outputs a single band boolean raster For several images, this function checks that at least one of the images is True (i.e. !=0) and outputs a boolean raster, with as many bands as the inputs


Name Type Description Default

inputs can be 1) a single image or 2) several images, either passed as separate arguments or inside a list



Type Description

OR intersection

Source code in pyotb/
def any(*inputs):  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    """Check if value is different than 0 anywhere along the band axis.

    For only one image, this function checks that at least one band of the image is True (i.e. !=0) and outputs
    a single band boolean raster
    For several images, this function checks that at least one of the images is True (i.e. !=0) and outputs
    a boolean raster, with as many bands as the inputs

        inputs: inputs can be 1) a single image or 2) several images, either passed as separate arguments
                or inside a list
        OR intersection

    # If necessary, flatten inputs
    if len(inputs) == 1 and isinstance(inputs[0], (list, tuple)):
        inputs = inputs[0]

    # Add support for generator inputs (to have the same behavior as built-in `any` function)
    if isinstance(inputs, tuple) and len(inputs) == 1 and inspect.isgenerator(inputs[0]):
        inputs = list(inputs[0])

    # Transforming potential filepaths to pyotb objects
    inputs = [Input(inp) if isinstance(inp, str) else inp for inp in inputs]

    # Checking that at least one band of the image is True
    if len(inputs) == 1:
        inp = inputs[0]
        if isinstance(inp, logicalOperation):
            res = inp[:, :, 0]
            res = (inp[:, :, 0] != 0)

        for band in range(1, inp.shape[-1]):
            if isinstance(inp, logicalOperation):
                res = res | inp[:, :, band]
                res = res | (inp[:, :, band] != 0)

    # Checking that at least one image is True
        if isinstance(inputs[0], logicalOperation):
            res = inputs[0]
            res = (inputs[0] != 0)
        for inp in inputs[1:]:
            if isinstance(inp, logicalOperation):
                res = res | inp
                res = res | (inp != 0)

    return res

clip(a, a_min, a_max)

Clip values of image in a range of values.


Name Type Description Default

input raster, can be filepath or any pyotb object


minimum value of the range


maximum value of the range



Type Description

raster whose values are clipped in the range

Source code in pyotb/
def clip(a, a_min, a_max):
    """Clip values of image in a range of values.

        a: input raster, can be filepath or any pyotb object
        a_min: minimum value of the range
        a_max: maximum value of the range

        raster whose values are clipped in the range

    if isinstance(a, str):
        a = Input(a)

    res = where(a <= a_min, a_min,
                where(a >= a_max, a_max, a))
    return res

define_processing_area(*args, window_rule='intersection', pixel_size_rule='minimal', interpolator='nn', reference_window_input=None, reference_pixel_size_input=None)

Given several inputs, this function handles the potential resampling and cropping to same extent.

WARNING: Not fully implemented / tested


Name Type Description Default

list of raster inputs. Can be str (filepath) or pyotb objects


Can be 'intersection', 'union', 'same_as_input', 'specify' (Default value = 'intersection')


Can be 'minimal', 'maximal', 'same_as_input', 'specify' (Default value = 'minimal')


Can be 'bco', 'nn', 'linear' (Default value = 'nn')


Required if window_rule = 'same_as_input' (Default value = None)


Required if pixel_size_rule = 'same_as_input' (Default value = None)



Type Description

list of in-memory pyotb objects with all the same resolution, shape and extent

Source code in pyotb/
def define_processing_area(*args, window_rule='intersection', pixel_size_rule='minimal', interpolator='nn',
                           reference_window_input=None, reference_pixel_size_input=None):
    """Given several inputs, this function handles the potential resampling and cropping to same extent.

    WARNING: Not fully implemented / tested

        *args: list of raster inputs. Can be str (filepath) or pyotb objects
        window_rule: Can be 'intersection', 'union', 'same_as_input', 'specify' (Default value = 'intersection')
        pixel_size_rule: Can be 'minimal', 'maximal', 'same_as_input', 'specify' (Default value = 'minimal')
        interpolator: Can be 'bco', 'nn', 'linear' (Default value = 'nn')
        reference_window_input: Required if window_rule = 'same_as_input' (Default value = None)
        reference_pixel_size_input: Required if pixel_size_rule = 'same_as_input' (Default value = None)

        list of in-memory pyotb objects with all the same resolution, shape and extent

    # Flatten all args into one list
    inputs = []
    for arg in args:
        if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):

    # Getting metadatas of inputs
    metadatas = {}
    for inp in inputs:
        if isinstance(inp, str):  # this is for filepaths
            metadata = Input(inp).GetImageMetaData('out')
        elif isinstance(inp, otbObject):
            metadata = inp.GetImageMetaData(inp.output_param)
            raise TypeError(f"Wrong input : {inp}")
        metadatas[inp] = metadata

    # Get a metadata of an arbitrary image. This is just to compare later with other images
    any_metadata = next(iter(metadatas.values()))

    # Checking if all images have the same projection
    if not all(metadata['ProjectionRef'] == any_metadata['ProjectionRef']
               for metadata in metadatas.values()):
        logger.warning('All images may not have the same CRS, which might cause unpredictable results')

    # Handling different spatial footprints
    # TODO: there seems to have a bug, ImageMetaData is not updated when running an app,
    #  cf Should we use ImageOrigin instead?
    if not all(metadata['UpperLeftCorner'] == any_metadata['UpperLeftCorner']
               and metadata['LowerRightCorner'] == any_metadata['LowerRightCorner']
               for metadata in metadatas.values()):
        # Retrieving the bounding box that will be common for all inputs
        if window_rule == 'intersection':
            # The coordinates depend on the orientation of the axis of projection
            if any_metadata['GeoTransform'][1] >= 0:
                ulx = max(metadata['UpperLeftCorner'][0] for metadata in metadatas.values())
                lrx = min(metadata['LowerRightCorner'][0] for metadata in metadatas.values())
                ulx = min(metadata['UpperLeftCorner'][0] for metadata in metadatas.values())
                lrx = max(metadata['LowerRightCorner'][0] for metadata in metadatas.values())
            if any_metadata['GeoTransform'][-1] >= 0:
                lry = min(metadata['LowerRightCorner'][1] for metadata in metadatas.values())
                uly = max(metadata['UpperLeftCorner'][1] for metadata in metadatas.values())
                lry = max(metadata['LowerRightCorner'][1] for metadata in metadatas.values())
                uly = min(metadata['UpperLeftCorner'][1] for metadata in metadatas.values())

        elif window_rule == 'same_as_input':
            ulx = metadatas[reference_window_input]['UpperLeftCorner'][0]
            lrx = metadatas[reference_window_input]['LowerRightCorner'][0]
            lry = metadatas[reference_window_input]['LowerRightCorner'][1]
            uly = metadatas[reference_window_input]['UpperLeftCorner'][1]
        elif window_rule == 'specify':
            # TODO : it is when the user explicitly specifies the bounding box -> add some arguments in the function
        elif window_rule == 'union':
            # TODO : it is when the user wants the final bounding box to be the union of all bounding box
            #  It should replace any 'outside' pixel by some NoData -> add `fillvalue` argument in the function'Cropping all images to extent Upper Left (%s, %s), Lower Right (%s, %s)', ulx, uly, lrx, lry)

        # Applying this bounding box to all inputs
        new_inputs = []
        for inp in inputs:
                params = {
                    'in': inp, 'mode': 'extent', 'mode.extent.unit': 'phy',
                    'mode.extent.ulx': ulx, 'mode.extent.uly': lry,  # bug in OTB <= 7.3 :
                    'mode.extent.lrx': lrx, 'mode.extent.lry': uly,  # ULY/LRY are inverted
                new_input = App('ExtractROI', params)
                # TODO: OTB 7.4 fixes this bug, how to handle different versions of OTB?
                # Potentially update the reference inputs for later resampling
                if str(inp) == str(reference_pixel_size_input):  # we use comparison of string because calling '=='
                    # on pyotb objects implicitly calls BandMathX application, which is not desirable
                    reference_pixel_size_input = new_input
            except RuntimeError as e:
                logger.error('Cannot define the processing area for input %s: %s', inp, e)
        inputs = new_inputs

        # Update metadatas
        metadatas = {input: input.GetImageMetaData('out') for input in inputs}

    # Get a metadata of an arbitrary image. This is just to compare later with other images
    any_metadata = next(iter(metadatas.values()))

    # Handling different pixel sizes
    if not all(metadata['GeoTransform'][1] == any_metadata['GeoTransform'][1]
               and metadata['GeoTransform'][5] == any_metadata['GeoTransform'][5]
               for metadata in metadatas.values()):
        # Retrieving the pixel size that will be common for all inputs
        if pixel_size_rule == 'minimal':
            # selecting the input with the smallest x pixel size
            reference_input = min(metadatas, key=lambda x: metadatas[x]['GeoTransform'][1])
        if pixel_size_rule == 'maximal':
            # selecting the input with the highest x pixel size
            reference_input = max(metadatas, key=lambda x: metadatas[x]['GeoTransform'][1])
        elif pixel_size_rule == 'same_as_input':
            reference_input = reference_pixel_size_input
        elif pixel_size_rule == 'specify':
            # TODO : when the user explicitly specify the pixel size -> add argument inside the function
        pixel_size = metadatas[reference_input]['GeoTransform'][1]'Resampling all inputs to resolution: %s', pixel_size)

        # Perform resampling on inputs that do not comply with the target pixel size
        new_inputs = []
        for inp in inputs:
            if metadatas[inp]['GeoTransform'][1] != pixel_size:
                superimposed = App('Superimpose', inr=reference_input, inm=inp, interpolator=interpolator)
        inputs = new_inputs

        # Update metadatas
        metadatas = {inp: inp.GetImageMetaData('out') for inp in inputs}

    # Final superimposition to be sure to have the exact same image sizes
    # Getting the sizes of images
    image_sizes = {}
    for inp in inputs:
        if isinstance(inp, str):
            inp = Input(inp)
        image_sizes[inp] = inp.shape[:2]

    # Selecting the most frequent image size. It will be used as reference.
    most_common_image_size, _ = Counter(image_sizes.values()).most_common(1)[0]
    same_size_images = [inp for inp, image_size in image_sizes.items() if image_size == most_common_image_size]

    # Superimposition for images that do not have the same size as the others
    new_inputs = []
    for inp in inputs:
        if image_sizes[inp] != most_common_image_size:
            superimposed = App('Superimpose', inr=same_size_images[0], inm=inp, interpolator=interpolator)
    inputs = new_inputs

    return inputs


This function enables using a function that calls some TF operations, with pyotb object as inputs.

For example, you can write a function that uses TF operations like this : ```python @run_tf_function def multiply(input1, input2): import tensorflow as tf return tf.multiply(input1, input2)

# Then you can use the function like this :
result = multiply(pyotb_object1, pyotb_object1)  # this is a pyotb object


Name Type Description Default

function taking one or several inputs and returning one output



Name Type Description

a function that returns a pyotb object

Source code in pyotb/
def run_tf_function(func):
    """This function enables using a function that calls some TF operations, with pyotb object as inputs.

    For example, you can write a function that uses TF operations like this :
        def multiply(input1, input2):
            import tensorflow as tf
            return tf.multiply(input1, input2)

        # Then you can use the function like this :
        result = multiply(pyotb_object1, pyotb_object1)  # this is a pyotb object

        func: function taking one or several inputs and returning *one* output

        wrapper: a function that returns a pyotb object

        from .apps import TensorflowModelServe
    except ImportError:
        logger.error('Could not run Tensorflow function: failed to import TensorflowModelServe.'
                     'Check that you have OTBTF configured (')

    def get_tf_pycmd(output_dir, channels, scalar_inputs):
        """Create a string containing all python instructions necessary to create and save the Keras model.

            output_dir: directory under which to save the model
            channels: list of raster channels (int). Contain `None` entries for non-raster inputs
            scalar_inputs: list of scalars (int/float). Contain `None` entries for non-scalar inputs

            the whole string code for function definition + model saving

        # Getting the string definition of the tf function (e.g. "def multiply(x1, x2):...")
        # TODO: maybe not entirely foolproof, maybe we should use dill instead? but it would add a dependency
        func_def_str = inspect.getsource(func)
        func_name = func.__name__

        create_and_save_model_str = func_def_str

        # Adding the instructions to create the model and save it to output dir
        create_and_save_model_str += textwrap.dedent(f"""
            import tensorflow as tf

            model_inputs = []
            tf_inputs = []
            for channel, scalar_input in zip({channels}, {scalar_inputs}):
                if channel:
                    input = tf.keras.Input((None, None, channel))
                    if isinstance(scalar_input, int):  # TF doesn't like mixing float and int
                        scalar_input = float(scalar_input)

            output = {func_name}(*tf_inputs)

            # Create and save the .pb model
            model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=model_inputs, outputs=output)

        return create_and_save_model_str

    def wrapper(*inputs, tmp_dir='/tmp'):
        """For the user point of view, this function simply applies some TensorFlow operations to some rasters.

        Implicitly, it saves a .pb model that describe the TF operations, then creates an OTB ModelServe application
        that applies this .pb model to the inputs.

            *inputs: a list of pyotb objects, filepaths or int/float numbers
            tmp_dir: directory where temporary models can be written (Default value = '/tmp')

            a pyotb object, output of TensorFlowModelServe

        # Get infos about the inputs
        channels = []
        scalar_inputs = []
        raster_inputs = []
        for inp in inputs:
                # this is for raster input
                channel = get_nbchannels(inp)
            except TypeError:
                # this is for other inputs (float, int)

        # Create and save the model. This is executed **inside an independent process** because (as of 2022-03),
        # tensorflow python library and OTBTF are incompatible
        out_savedmodel = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f'tmp_otbtf_model_{uuid.uuid4()}')
        pycmd = get_tf_pycmd(out_savedmodel, channels, scalar_inputs)
        cmd_args = [sys.executable, "-c", pycmd]
            import subprocess
  , env=os.environ, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
        except subprocess.SubprocessError:
            logger.debug("Failed to call subprocess")
        if not os.path.isdir(out_savedmodel):
  "Failed to save the model")

        # Initialize the OTBTF model serving application
        model_serve = TensorflowModelServe({'model.dir': out_savedmodel, 'optim.disabletiling': 'on',
                                            'model.fullyconv': 'on'}, n_sources=len(raster_inputs), frozen=True)
        # Set parameters and execute
        for i, inp in enumerate(raster_inputs):
            model_serve.set_parameters({f'source{i + 1}.il': [inp]})
        # TODO: handle the deletion of the temporary model ?

        return model_serve

    return wrapper

where(cond, x, y)

Functionally similar to numpy.where. Where cond is True (!=0), returns x. Else returns y.


Name Type Description Default

condition, must be a raster (filepath, App, Operation...). If cond is monoband whereas x or y are multiband, cond channels are expanded to match x & y ones.


value if cond is True. Can be float, int, App, filepath, Operation...


value if cond is False. Can be float, int, App, filepath, Operation...



Type Description

an output where pixels are x if cond is True, else y

Source code in pyotb/
def where(cond, x, y):
    """Functionally similar to numpy.where. Where cond is True (!=0), returns x. Else returns y.

        cond: condition, must be a raster (filepath, App, Operation...). If cond is monoband whereas x or y are
              multiband, cond channels are expanded to match x & y ones.
        x: value if cond is True. Can be float, int, App, filepath, Operation...
        y: value if cond is False. Can be float, int, App, filepath, Operation...

        an output where pixels are x if cond is True, else y

    # Checking the number of bands of rasters. Several cases :
    # - if cond is monoband, x and y can be multibands. Then cond will adapt to match x and y nb of bands
    # - if cond is multiband, x and y must have the same nb of bands if they are rasters.
    x_nb_channels, y_nb_channels = None, None
    if not isinstance(x, (int, float)):
        x_nb_channels = get_nbchannels(x)
    if not isinstance(y, (int, float)):
        y_nb_channels = get_nbchannels(y)

    if x_nb_channels and y_nb_channels:
        if x_nb_channels != y_nb_channels:
            raise ValueError('X and Y images do not have the same number of bands. '
                             f'X has {x_nb_channels} bands whereas Y has {y_nb_channels} bands')

    x_or_y_nb_channels = x_nb_channels if x_nb_channels else y_nb_channels
    cond_nb_channels = get_nbchannels(cond)

    # Get the number of bands of the result
    if x_or_y_nb_channels:  # if X or Y is a raster
        out_nb_channels = x_or_y_nb_channels
    else:  # if only cond is a raster
        out_nb_channels = cond_nb_channels

    if cond_nb_channels != 1 and x_or_y_nb_channels and cond_nb_channels != x_or_y_nb_channels:
        raise ValueError('Condition and X&Y do not have the same number of bands. Condition has '
                         f'{cond_nb_channels} bands whereas X&Y have {x_or_y_nb_channels} bands')

    # If needed, duplicate the single band binary mask to multiband to match the dimensions of x & y
    if cond_nb_channels == 1 and x_or_y_nb_channels and x_or_y_nb_channels != 1:'The condition has one channel whereas X/Y has/have %s channels. Expanding number'
                    ' of channels of condition to match the number of channels of X/Y', x_or_y_nb_channels)

    operation = Operation('?', cond, x, y, nb_bands=out_nb_channels)

    return operation